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I've had more than a few rude encounters with local well-known dermatologists. Dr. St.Surin-Lord takes time to examine my concern and skin. She explains the regimen and always provides exceptional customer service. I haven't experienced long waits to see her. Most of all I am happy with my results!! I noticed an improvement with my skin within the first week of using the prescribed products. Dr. Lord was my daughter's dermatologist first and she is acne free for the first time in over 3 years!!! Thank you, Dr.St. Surin Lord.
Just like the headline says, Dr. St. Surin-Lord is more than a doctor. She is warm, knowledgeable and whenever I go, I feel like I'm the only patient she has. She thoroughly explains treatment plans and is very accessible. I've always been amazed at how spot on she is with each visit. I've trusted her to care for my young son as well when he was battling eczema. I never see her as a doctor when I need visit the office. I see her as a friend. Any time anyone mentions the word dermatologist I recommend her without hesitation!
Dr. Surin is the nicest person ever. She’s friendly, welcoming, and down to earth. She’s really knowledgeable in her field. She takes her time getting to know you while getting you out in a reasonable time. Her staff is also really friendly and are there to help you understand anything you might’ve missed.

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